.Oral Presentation





  • The information I gave was interesting or important to others.
  • I was well informed about my topic.
  • I used vocabulary that the audience could understand or defined unfamiliar terms.
  • My vocabulary was strong and varied.
  • I used an effective and appropriate attention-getting device.
  • I used logical appeals where appropriate.
  • Logical appeals included reliable, factual information.
  • I used emotional or persuasive appeals where appropriate.
  • I added supportive detail to the main point(s).
  • I correctly answered most questions from the audience.


  • I maintained eye-contact most of the time.
  • I spoke to the entire audience, not just one or two people.
  • My pronunciation was clear and easy to understand.
  • My rate of speech was not too fast or too slow.
  • My voice could be heard easily by the entire audience.
  • My voice varied in pitch; it was not monotone.
  • I did not use filler words (e.g.., "uhm", "uh", "ah", "mm", "like", "etc.".)
  • I used correct grammar.
  • My body language was not too tense or too relaxed.
  • I maintained good posture.
  • I used meaningful gestures.
  • I didn't fidget, rock back and forth, or pace.
  • I used notes sparingly; I did not read from them.
  • I didn't hesitate or lose my place.
  • I didn't call attention to errors by apologizing.


  • I organized ideas in a meaningful way.
  • The information and arguments/details were easy to follow.
  • I stayed focused and did not stray off topic.
  • The introduction included a clear statement of the main point(s).
  • I included necessary background information about the topic.
  • The audience could predict the presentation's basic structure from the introduction alone.
  • The body of the presentation contained support for, or details about, the main point(s).
  • I used helpful transitions between main points.
  • I used logical connectors between main points.
  • Ideas flowed logically from one to the next.
  • I had a strong conclusion.
  • The audience could distinguish the introduction, body, and conclusion.

Presentation Aids

  • Presentation aids were used during the speech.
  • Presentation aids were relevant to the speech.
  • Presentations aids improved the presentation or reinforced main points.
  • Presentation aids were not distracting.
  • Presentation aids were creative.
  • Visual aids were easily viewed or read by the entire audience.
  • Audio aids were easily heard by the entire audience
  • Visual aids contained no spelling or grammatical errors.


I used resources that addressed the topic thoroughly.
I used resources that reflected different perspectives.
Prominent resources were referred to in the speech.
I used credible print resources.
I used credible electronic resources.
I used interviews with others as a resource.
I used my own words in the speech.
I used material in accordance with copyright.
I cited my sources using the required format.
A bibliography was available.
